A Blessing Beyond Compare
I love my life. There is absolutely no justifiable complaint. I have a wonderful hardworking, sweet and kind husband. I have the cutest little boy to ever walk the face of the earth; he’s busy and always getting into things and I love it! God has truly blessed me.
When I was about 11 yrs. Old I’d gotten sick with a seriously illness. I’d actually been ill for a long time but it was at its worst when I was 11. I remember waking up one saturday morning with the stomach pain; it was a familiar ache that I’d experienced many times before throughout my childhood. But, on this particular morning, it was especially persistent- it didn’t go away after a few minutes like it usually did. It lasted for a few days, I couldn’t eat or drink and when I did, it would get regurgitated. I needed a doctor more than ever. My parents took me to the doctor twice. The first doctor just told them it was a stomach virus and I’d be better in a few days. It wasn’t a virus and my parents knew it. My mother made me another appointment with another doctor and as soon as she saw me she called an ambulance and had be transported to the children’s hospital in Washington DC.
I don’t remember a whole lot; I just remember being in the emergency room and having to drink some sort of solution that would allow the doctors to take a proper look at my insides. It tasted like a really terrible lemonade and may possibly be the explanation behind why I hate lemonade to this day. I wasn’t able to keep the solution down and from there I remember being wheeled into the operating room, so scared. I remember crying out for my mother and not knowing what was happening. I remember laying on the table and the doctor putting the anesthesia mask over my face. After that I woke up in a haze. I had a thick tube down my throat that drained my stomach.
I stayed in the hospital for an entire week. And I probably missed close to a month of school. I couldn’t eat and honestly I could barely do much. I did get to have as many popsicles as I wanted. My mom and my granny took turns staying overnight and my auntie, father and brother came to visit and made my stay as pleasant as they could. That could have been the last week of my life. But, through prayer and much hope and great faith God showed me great and immeasurable mercy.
I missed a lot of school but my I was glad to be back with my friends and in my familiar routine. I have a lot to be grateful for. Just to be alive is a true blessing but God has allowed me to live the life I’ve always wanted. I get to be a wife to my dear husband and a mother to my son. I owe God my life. And by that, I mean I owe Him reverence and obedience. I could be rotting in the ground right now but instead I’ve been given life and the incredible blessing of creating life. I don’t take any of this for granted.
This post isn’t just to share my experience but to remind myself that God has done more than enough for me. I have blessings beyond compare. I try to my best to remember this whenever I sense myself getting a spirit of ungratefulness. It’s easy to complain but praising the Lord for what He’s given me is better.
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