Weaning Oneself from Overconsumption

I’ve been cleaning. I’ve been selling. Whatever I can do to get rid of stuff I no longer need I am doing it. I donated a bag of clothing items to the Salvation Army yesterday afternoon. I have some university textbooks that need to be sold.

Lately, I have been very interested in minimalism. I have been very inspired by the philosophies of not living in excess and letting go of material possessions that I have been hoarding for no reason. Unfortunately, I am the only one in my household that is willing and ready to let go; my husband is not quite there yet. Actually, he is not there at all.

Someone can not be forced into a minimalist lifestyle; I am not trying to force my husband by any means but I do try to lovingly encourage him to go through his belongings and take a look. Looking just means you evaluate what you have and what you need. By doing this, my husband is better able to see what he needs and what he doesn’t need. This approach has worked in a positive way. I don’t stand over him nagging about clothes he no longer wears or video games he no longer plays. I also do not give away of throw away any of his belongings behind his back.

One of my big struggles is not over-shopping. I make a shopping list and I try my best to stick to it. I don’t always do this successfully but it makes me feel good when I try. So yesterday me and my son went to WalMart, on my list was: Socks for the family, and a bra. I came out of the store with socks, a two pack of bras (from clearance), lipstick (which I have to return) a three box pack of tissue. We needed tissue and it was on sale, and the lipstick was an impulse buy and completely the wrong color. I confess, when I got to the register, I had one of those adult coloring books and a 50 pack of colored pencils and a pencil box. I decided last minute not to get those items because, like the lipstick, was an impulse buy.

Later on in the evening, I went to Bed Bath & Beyond to get a butter saver. I came out of the store with a two-pack turbie twist hair towel, a snack cup for my son, and a dry skin brush. No butter saver in sight. I win some I lose some. Today, I am going back to WalMart to return the lipstick and to hopefully purchase a butter saver. We’ll see what I come out with.


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