You're Pregnant!! You Can Eat Whatever You Want!!

One of the things that I don’t understand is why people think that just because I am pregnant, I can eat whatever I want. I’ve heard too many people say “you’re pregnant, you can eat whatever you want”… Can I?

I don’t think so.

Gestational diabetes is not something I want to experience, nor do I want to go through excessive weight gain or any other avoidable ailments. Why add more discomforts when I can avoid them?

So in a way, I do eat whatever I want but I don’t over eat. I’m not going scarf down loads of unhealthy foods simply because I can. I will admit that I have more of a sweet tooth these days than I did before but I don’t go over board. If I want a piece of candy, I have it but I don’t go gold. If cheese curls are calling my name, I have a few not a whole bag. I try to go for the little $.35 bag (used to be $.25 back in the day). That way I can have the chips or whatever, and not set myself up to over do it on the treats.

I have 1 week left of my 2nd trimester and I’m looking forward to entering the last 3rd of my pregnancy. I will be just a few weeks from seeing my little handsome! And so far, I’ve been trying my best to keep good eating and lifestyle habits and I want to be sure to adjust as best I can as my body continues to change.


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