Reading Goals : Review and Projection

1. World War Z

2. The Kid Comes Back

3. Laughable Loves

4. The Great Gatsby

5. Howl’s Moving Castle

6. Fifth Business

7. Dept Trap

8. Things I’d Wish I’d Before I Got Married

9. Sacred Marriage

10. Second Chances

11. Sleeping With Paris

12. Love in Bloom

13. The Call of Sedona

14.  Kylie in the City

15. The Carrie Diaries

16. Loving Inward, Living Outward, Looking Forward

17. Julius Caesar

18. The Diary of A Teenage Girl

19. Bah Hum Bug

*My favorite

Fifth Business

*Least favorite

Sleeping With Paris

*Most relevant

Sacred Marriage

These are all the books I’ve read in the past year. My goal was to read 35 books; I didn’t even crack 20 reads. I’ll be honest; I hit a serious slump this past summer, I can usually knockout between 6-8 light novels between June and September alone. I could have reasonably read 35 novels in 12 months. I wasted too much time on those free crappy romance novels from I should have invested in some really good reads. I got cheap. I got lazy too; I’d be watching TV or YouTube when I should have been reading.

 My reading goals for the upcoming year are the same but with a few tweaks. I am still aiming for 35 reads but I’m going to spend less time reading flimsy novels and I want to expand my reading to be more diverse.

New reading goals: I’d like to read…

2 or 3 graphic novels

1 book on physics

1 book in on business or economics

1 book in Spanish (yes, I can read Spanish)

1 Christian romance that will not make me gag

1 really good romance novel
1 self -help

I am already stocked with a few of these books; others have to acquire. And I realize that some of these goals maybe hard to reach (like those romance novels) but I am willing to have an open mind and step out of my comfort zone. I also think I could tackle more classic literature. We’ll see, I think I’ve set some decent challenges and I’m ready to get going!

As always I will post what I read with links.








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