Bah Humbug...A Christmas Love Story
Bah! Humbug by Heather Horrock. This was a short and sweet read. It was unrealistic as many romance novels are, but it was clean and sentimental.
A famous author lives next door to a zealous single mother with two children. Kyle, is somewhat of a hermit, tucked inside his home, feeling the pressure of completing his fifth novel. Alexis is in the beginnings of her own TV show on all things domestic...almost like Sandra Lee with a little Martha Stewart mixed in.
The relationship between the characters is shallow- they never engaged in real conversation or spent time getting to know each other. In a short two and a half days of Christmas vacation they meet, fall in love, and plan for marriage. All before new years!! It was short, simple, and not at all exciting. No thrills, just a quick love match and nothing more....Free on Amazon
The relationship between the characters is shallow- they never engaged in real conversation or spent time getting to know each other. In a short two and a half days of Christmas vacation they meet, fall in love, and plan for marriage. All before new years!! It was short, simple, and not at all exciting. No thrills, just a quick love match and nothing more....Free on Amazon
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