The Call of Sedona
I just finished The Call of Sedona: Journey of The Heart, written
by Ilchi Lee; a South Korean Dahn Yogi who shares his first American experience
in Sedona Arizona.
He came to the US
to share his experience to spiritual enlightenment; he visited Sedona, fell in
love with the landscape and decided to stay. He traveled to many sights within
the Sedona region and he decided to host spiritual tours – mostly for South
Koreans visiting in America.
Each chapter is dedicated to an Arizona landmark, he gives a
little history along with his thoughts and feelings about each; he also speaks
how he was awakened even more by spending time quietly meditating and listening
to the earth. It was while he was meditating
that the universe led him to Mago
Garden (Mother Earth) – a
wellness facility that was once owned by a spiritual leader before him. After much
deliberation, he decided to buy the facility.
The book is an easy read. I AM NOT interested in ambiguous
spiritualism but I got the book for free and decided to read it before I send
it to for resale. I would not normally pick up
anything like this on my own but I decided there is no harm in reading about
what Ilchi Lee had to say. I want to read a variety of books on several topics, within several genres. While I don't share the same beliefs as Mr. Lee, I did not let that stop me from reading about his American Journey. I also know that Ilchi Lee is the subject of a lot of controversies and has several accusations against him for fraud, abuse and a plethora of other negative associations.
I do want to visit Sedona, I would love to see the red
rocks and natural reservoirs; I love to see God’s beautiful handiwork.
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